Break-ups are terrible. From returning his t-shirt and putting that teddy bear under the bed to dividing up assets and changing your name, it’s a messy process no matter how long you were together. There’s a funny thing about break-ups though. It’s often the little things that are the hardest.

Like the pretty chop sticks he gave you for your 21st birthday.

Or the shirt that is somehow still in your laundry months later.

Or all those stupid shows you binge watched on Netflix. 


What do you do about your shared shows after a break-up? Break-up or divorce is hard enough as it is, but there are so many little things that make it harder. Do you watch your shared shows, stop watching them, or wait and start over with someone new? Media grief after a divorce


Every time you log in to Netflix, you see them. They sit there in your recently watched list begging you to play the next episode. But what do you do? A friend of mine recently described watching these shows after a break-up by saying:

“I don’t want to do it alone, but I don’t want to start over with someone else.”

(Obviously, that sentiment applies to a lot more than Netflix.)

As you watch new things, those shows you shared will disappear from your home screen – replaced with things you enjoy on your own or with someone else. But eventually, they will show up again with a tiny banner announcing new episodes.

So what do you do about shared shows after a break-up? Do you watch them alone, ignore them completely, or start over with someone else?

(Just for the record, the unfinished shows on our shared list were 30 Rock and Doctor Who.. and I honestly haven’t decided what to do yet. Well, except that there is absolutely no way that I will completely ignore Doctor Who; that would be unacceptable.)

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