Living With PTSD is Hell
It's been a literal hell of a year. I won't go into the specifics of all of the things that have happened because that's enough to fill up an ENTIRE...
What Does Dissociation Feel Like? (To Me)
What does dissociation feel like? For me, it feels like paralysis, falling asleep, sinking into a deep bath, and emptiness, but it is different for...
Finding Freedom in Betrayal
A tiny ode to the fetters of obligation — shorn. Oh, to be justified in detachment, meanness. There’s freedom in it, but it tastes bitter anyway,...
Depression Is Ruining My Life.
Today I’m going to open up about something terrifying – something I’d really rather not share online. But I think that sharing is part of my healing...
We Got Married On A Thursday — At 10:30 AM
If you wait for the right time, you will wait forever. It was a quiet ceremony in an empty courtroom, a formalization of feelings already felt and...
Can Depression & Dissociation Be a Catalyst for Art?
What do you think? Can dissociation fuel creativity? Can depression and dissociation be a catalyst for art? At least in my life, dissociation and...
Grocery Shop For The Entire Month (Mostly)
You probably go to the grocery store multiple times throughout the month. Usually you go because you need a particular item you ran out of, but...
10 Tips for a Successful Road Trip
Planning a road trip can be a lot of work. Follow these 10 tips for a successful road trip (half for planning and half for playing) for a great road trip.
What to Do in Springfield, Missouri
(Disclaimer: This post is based on my experiences on a press tour hosted by Springfield, CVB. My room, meals, and activities were comped, but my...
15 Best Adult Coloring Books
I just recently started looking into the best adult coloring books, and I absolutely love them. It is so relaxing to sit down with colored...
How to Find Happiness | Count Your Blessings + Life Update
It wasn't too long ago that I wrote a post about how to find happiness by making a list of your favorite things. Since I just wrote a post opening...
Am I Enough? and Other Scary Questions
If you follow this blog at all, you know that the last couple of years have been a roller coaster for me. You know that my husband was arrested,...
How I Overcame Divorce Anxiety
This post is one of my most popular which is why I compiled extensive resources into a new post to help you learn how to overcome divorce anxiety....
How Braces Brought My Smile Back
This is a story of how braces brought my smile back - and a reminder of the importance of dental insurance, for you, your smile, and your family....
An Open Letter to Lonely Romantics | Love Yourself First
Calling all lonely romantics! I hope this post helps you see the beauty in yourself. Love yourself first.
Budget Valentine’s Day | Cheap Date Night
Check out how we celebrated our Budget Valentine’s Day – complete with cheap Valentine’s date idea, cheap Valentine’s meal, and budget Valentine’s gifts.
Self-Reflection & Authenticity + A Song I Wrote
When I went to see a therapist last November, she told me I was very well-adjusted considering everything going on in my life. To be honest, I...
Timestrokes | Life in Vignette + The House on Mango Street Lesson Plan
Life in Vignette I recently subbed for an entire week for an honors English class that was about to start reading The House on Mango Street. It was...
5 Most Popular Posts of 2015
It's been one heck of a year for blogging. This is the first full year that I have really stuck with blogging. I've tried to be consistent despite...
Bacon Lattice Hashbrown Casserole
Hashbrown casserole is a family favorite at Christmas. My dad makes it every year, and my brother and I love it. On Thanksgiving, my brother and I...
Names of Jesus – 12 Days of Christmas Devotional Journal
This post includes a printable for the Names of Jesus 12 Days of Christmas Devotional Journal. Scroll down and click on the image to find the...
Random Acts of Kindness | Christmas Acts of Service
'Tis the season for random acts of kindness, acts of service, and general do-goodery. I know I'm a day late, but I've decided to post a list of 31...
Make Money Holiday Shopping
The holiday season is upon us, and Black Friday shopping is just a few days away. Before you go and spend all of the money you have budgeted for...
Shared Shows After A Break-Up
What do you do about shared shows after a break-up – watch them alone, ignore them completely, or start over with someone else? Shared shows after break-up